Monday, January 23, 2006

Literary Links

A very interesting Blog linked from Topsydurvydom's Blog - thanks for this Rob, and the other links as well. Scarecow is an online forum for book reviews, literary comment and short fiction focusing on the unheard, unconventional and eccentric. You'll able to read submissions of short stories and poetry, and submit your own work if you want to. There a warning given meaning some contain strong language (csl). I haven't read any of those yet because the stories without the warning contain language that may be too strong for some.
I am doubtful that our tutors on A215 would appreciate us getting heavy with that sort of language. I enjoyed reading the stories. They were different from the norm. Scarecrow condemn the "three for two dross" offered in high street bookshops. I always buy books on offer like this at airports for my holiday reading, so now I feel bad about doing this.
Have a look and see what you think.


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