Saturday, June 18, 2005

So being a traditional, old fashioned bloke Morty always goes out for a drink on a Friday evening. Being a creature of habit I know exactly what time he'll be home - eight o'clock and starving for his dinner. So last night he asked me to go with him. Its a bit of a blokey session and not many women bother on a Friday and I usually spend an hour or so on the 'phone to my Mum, but I agreed to go with him. At five to seven just when I was settling in he said 'Come on! Lets go home'

I said to him that it was a whole hour earlier than his normal time. I was in the mood for another hour at the bar but not so much that I was going to stay there without him. So home we came and a cold chicken and jacket potato supper as I can't cook with wine. Well, I do cook with wine but not when I've drunk it as well.

Be interesting to see what time he comes home next Friday as I won't let him forget that when I go with him he wants to come home earlier.

Off to try downloading some photos as I will not be beaten by technology - yet!


Blogger pal said...

You go for it. Photos are real good fun. I've been so busy uploading and reading all your great posts I've forgotten to say hello to you. So hello Mornev :-)

9:47 AM  
Blogger Buggles Balham High Road said...

Hello back at you 'Pal' Great fun isn't it? I am trying to get my photos hosted online so I can paste the URL into my profile but I am all of a dither. Feels like a TMA on T171. And as for pasting links into the right bits in HTML it really does take me a whole morning!

Grand having other places to meet besides the OU isn't it? I am enjoying reading the Memex Blog - not only because he looks like Van the Man in that hat but his postings are making me think.

Keep posting ;-)

10:16 AM  
Blogger pal said...

Yes, its ages since I've done any html stuff so it does take a long, long time! Its bringing it back though, which is good. They could really do with putting a search facility in the html bit, it would speed things up a bit. Or maybe they could put all the css stuff in a different folder - or something, save having to run through it everytime!

Have you found John Naughton's photo file yet, they are gorgeous. Just as well my camera is broken atm or I would be snapping away at everything!

Be seeing ya.

4:16 PM  
Blogger Nogbad said...

Well you can search the HTML using Edit -> find in your browser of choice, that's how I work. I also cut, past and edit the links rather than retyping the code all the way through. When I've uploaded an image (usually to my web space) I find it with the browser and then copy and paste the address so that I know it's absolutely right.

Does any of this make sense?

8:02 PM  
Blogger Buggles Balham High Road said...

Yes it all makes sense Nogbad. However, I got some photos into my Webspace but when I pasted the URL into the space in my profile it said that the URL was over the maximum of 68 digits!I am ashamed of myself managing to create such a long URL. The last time I did that was in T171 2000 ;-)

11:02 AM  
Blogger pal said...

Yes it does make sense, thanks. I do a lot of copying and pasting but I hadn't thought of using edit thing I'll have to check it out.

When I first put my photo up I actually put it on a page called index and tried to link to it like that. Blogger would not have it, no way, and it took me ages to work out why, and that all you needed was the url and then the actually piccie name.jpg thing.

You live and learn

11:29 AM  

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